Grace and Knowledge
A Journal of Judeo-Christian History, Theology and Culture
We began Grace and Knowledge in 1998 as an outreach to our friends in
the Worldwide Church of God (WCG), which experienced a period of great upheaval
and soul-searching after rejecting exclusivism and embracing the essentials of
orthodox Christianity in the 1990s. The changes in WCG (now Grace
Communion International) prompted us to search the scriptures and explore
Judeo-Christian history and traditions. Grace and Knowledge might
be described as an ongoing series of progress reports on the results of our
In Grace and Knowledge, we discuss basic truths of Christianity.
(See for example our series of articles on the Apostles' Creed.)
We also examine the "Jewish roots" of our faith--the rich
traditions of biblical Judaism that are the heritage of every believer in Jesus
the Messiah.
Please click on the links below to read past issues of G&K (our
affectionate nickname for the project). We hope you will find it to be
inspirational and informative.
Issue 1 Issue 2 Issue 3 Issue 4
Issue 5 Issue 6
Issue 7 Issue 8
Issue 9 Issue 10
Issue 11 Issue 12 Issue 13 Issue 14 Issue 15 Issue 16 Issue 17
Issue 18 Issue 19 Issue 20 Issue 21 Issue 22 Issue 23 Issue 24 Issue 25 Issue 26 Issue 27
Issue 31 (updated July 8, 2018)
Issue 32 (updated January 4, 2018)
Issue 33 (updated October 21, 2018)
Issue 34 (updated June 18, 2019)
Issue 35 (updated July 20, 2021)
Issue 36 (updated November 18, 2022)
Issue 37 (updated November 22, 2023)
Issue 38 (updated December 20, 2024)
Issue 39 (updated February 23, 2025)
An Introduction to the Apocrypha
Articles Related to the Annual Biblical Festivals (updated September 20, 2023)
Articles about the Pentateuch (updated July 17, 2023)
Articles about the Gospels (updated October 15, 2024)
Articles on Biblical Genealogies (updated March 31, 2019)
The Messiah in the Old Testament
Archaeology News (updated December 26, 2018)
Yamauchi Lectures at Miami University (updated July 10, 2023)
Xenia Gazette Articles (updated March 11, 2025)
Doug and Sherry Ward, Editors
Email: <>