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A Journal of Judeo-Christian History, Theology and Culture


``In essentials, unity; in nonessentials, liberty; and in all things, charity.''


-saying attributed to Peter Meiderlin (1582-1651)

Issue 10

December 2001



Kislev 5762


In this Issue: The Joy of Christian Torah Study

The Real Ark Mystery

Grace upon Grace: The True Meaning of John 1:17

Deja Vu All Over Again: Learning from Recurring Themes in the Pentateuch

Watch Your Antecedents!

An Introduction to the Apocrypha, Part 3:  The Book of Wisdom


Grace and Knowledge is published at least once a year.




Doug and Sherry Ward


307 N. Elm St.


Oxford, Ohio 45056-1122


email: wardde@muohio.edu, sherry308@hotmail.com



Consulting Editor


Jared L. Olar


1203 S. Capitol St.


Pekin, Illinois 61554-4442


email: ardgowan@insightbb.com

Articles appearing in Grace and Knowledge do not necessarily reflect the views of other editors and contributors.

File translated from TEX by TTH, version 3.01.On 20 Nov 2001, 16:03.