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Just wanted you to know that I appreciated receiving the September 2001 issue of Grace and Knowledge.
Your publication is somewhat different from the literature that I usually associate with the various Churches of God and I like the emphasis that your articles place on the Hebraic roots of Christianity and also the history relating to our faith.
May our God bless your efforts in organizing a new congregation.
-Claudine Reak, New Mexico
Thank you for the letter and latest issue of G & K. I already read ``Watch your Antecedents!'' Being a former English teacher, I noticed that title right away. I scanned the rest of it, and it looks like I will enjoy it.
-Daniel Botkin, Illinois
I agree with what you say about Dr. Troy Martin's findings. My own study on Col. 2:16-17 can be found at http://biblestudy.iwarp.com. I spent two years looking at 182 sources on these two verses.
David Conklin, via email
I just finished reading your article on Colossians 2:16-17, and thought it was absolutely fantastic. I've read material on the subject before, but you make such a cogent and thorough analysis of these two verses (and their context) that it puts what I've read before to shame.
-Damon Casale, via email
Editor's note: These last two notes refer to the article ``Colossians 2:16-17 Unveiled at Last!'' which appeared in Issue 2 of this magazine. Some of our most popular articles have been those dealing with ``antinomian proof texts'' from Paul's epistles. (The article on Romans 10:4 in Issue 4 is another example.) We have plans for some further articles along these lines. Stay tuned!
Great review, insightful and balanced, I figured that you might want to get an encouraging note as a person in your role probably mostly gets attacked.
Regarding Sailhamer's book, I was encouraged to see that an exegesis existed that harmonized science and scripture. Of course, ultimately there really can't be any disharmony, but nevertheless it is encouraging to see them publicized.
I would rather people focused on accurate exegesis as opposed to starting with a conclusion and working backward to find biblical support.
-Chad Goss, via email
Editor's note: This note refers to a review of John Sailhamer's book Genesis Unbound from Issue 1.
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