Even a brief survey of the history of Christianity can show that
the subject of doctrine has always been controversial in the
Church of God. Indeed, in the past several years, this topic has
certainly become a volatile one for many current and former members
of my church fellowship, the Worldwide Church of God. We have
always cared deeply about correct doctrine (``orthodoxy''), and for
a good while we assumed that we had the best understanding, compared
to other Christian fellowships, of Christian doctrine. However, in recent
years many of us have had to reconsider several important doctrinal issues.
Even more, some sincerely wonder what role doctrine ought to play
in the experience of the Church of God, as well as in the experience
of individual believers. Many are concerned that their church
fellowship might be or actually is unclear, confused, or inconsistent
in its doctrines. They want to know what can be done-what they
themselves can do-to help their church locally and Christianity in
general navigate the way through what often seem like doctrinal morasses.
In the hopes that I can be of assistance to Christians like myself,
who have a background in the Worldwide Church of God or similar Sabbatarian
Christian fellowships, I would like to direct our attention toward something
that we in my church have formerly deliberately neglected. I
am referring to the Creed. Given the historical background
of churches like mine-even now my church does not seem very comfortable
with the word``creed''-I expect that many of my readers could react negatively
to these word of mine, but I would beg the readers' indulgence. Not
all that long ago, I had no interest at all in studying the various extant
Christian creeds. Even more, I saw no advantage whatsoever in my own
church's development of a formal ``Statement of Beliefs'' (really just
a euphemism for ``creed'' or ``confession of faith''). Since that time
I have come to change my mind. I am now convinced that Christian fellowships
do best when they codify, collect, or develop formal creeds or confessions
of faith. (For clarity, allow me to explain that the English word
creed was derived from the Latin credo, meaning ``I believe.'')
When Christians, whether individually or collectively, find themselves
confronted by doctrinal questions and confusion, the best medicine that
could be prescribed has always involved a ``Back to Basics'' therapy.
The advantage of studying creeds, especially the earliest Christian
creeds, is that such study centers attention upon the central truths
of Christianity. The issues that matter most are the doctrines
which first came to be codified in the ancient creeds. If one wishes
to sort out any particular point of doctrine, one must put first things
first. To use a metaphor which our late Pastor General Herbert
Armstrong often used, we Christians need to focus primarily on the Trunk of
the Tree. As we investigate Branches and Twigs of true doctrine, we
need to try not to get hung up on them.
In this and succeeding articles I will examine and discuss fundamental
Christian doctrines. The method I have chosen for this study is
to place special focus on the current and former teachings of the Worldwide
Church of God. But I will relate these teachings to one of the earliest
Christian creeds or confessions of faith, the one mistakenly called the
Apostles' Creed . I choose this particular creed for the following
four reasons: because of its antiquity; because of its general acceptance
by almost every sort of Christian; because each of the doctrines listed in
this creed come directly from the teachings of the original apostles; and
because of its simplicity. In fact, many later creeds are visibly
based upon the Apostles' Creed.
Let me also say that, while I will always strive for fairness, balance,
and an open mind, all the same I will not shy away from controversy. Nor
should one be troubled at heart if he does not hold the same doctrinal position
as other Christians-even if one's doctrinal understanding might place one
in a clear minority. In my opinion, if your goal is to avoid controversy
or disagreement at all costs, then Christianity is probably not the religion
for you. Disagreements and conflicts over doctrine, when handled in a Christian
manner, do not necessarily lead to the sins of schism and heresy.
One's own salvation, or the health of a church fellowship, need not be endangered
by an open, honest, forthright, and respectful dialogue.
The Origin of the Apostles' Creed:
First, I should make clear that, contrary to legend, the twelve apostles
had nothing directly to do with the creed that bears their name. However,
I believe that a far better and certainly accurate name for this creed would
be the Apostolic Creed (in Latin it is known as the Symbolum Apostolicum
). In any event, scholars of church history have determined that the
earliest Christian creeds of which we have any definite knowledge developed
over the course of the second and third centuries A.D. About a century
ago, Philip Schaff wrote what is even today an indispensable study of Christian
creeds. His three-volume work, The Creeds of Christendom,traces the
evolution of the creeds from the days of the first apostles up to modern
times. In this series, we will resort to those three volumes more than once.
In his study, Dr. Schaff pointed to the Shema in Deut. 6:4 as the
source of the custom of ceremonially confessing the true faith. He then
showed how the apostles Peter, Bartholomew, Thomas, and Paul made confessions
of their faith in Jesus, calling Him both Messiah and God. Quotes from various
Church Fathers of the second to fourth centuries-such as Irenaeus of Lyons,
Tertullian, Cyprian of Carthage, Eusebius of Caesarea, Epiphanius, or Cyril
of Jerusalem-offer us striking evidence of the development of the first creeds.
In many instances, whole phrases and clauses from the writings of these
Church Fathers entered into the creeds.
The impetus for the formulation of creeds was a simple and natural one.
In later centuries, grand Oecumenical Councils would craft official creeds
theoretically binding upon all professing Christians as tests of true Christianity.
But in these earliest times we see no church-wide set creeds.Instead, we
find evidence of local ``baptismal creeds.'' Local bishops would
interview baptismal candidates by asking them whether they believed in the
fundamental doctrines of Christianity. The candidates would be expected to
respond in the affirmative, ``Yes, I believe....'' Over the course of time,
this recitation of an informal creed just prior to one's baptism gave rise
to the recitation of a formal creed during the Eucharist. Seeing that the
Eucharist is in part a repeated confirmation of a believer's baptismal covenant,
I believe that the Eucharistic recitation of one's confession of faith originally
made at baptism is a very fitting tradition.
A Closer Look at the Apostles' Creed:
By the end of the fourth century, the so-called Apostles' Creed had reached
a form essentially identical to its modern form. In later centuries, a few
clauses were inserted, so that it reached the form it has at present. An
important late stage was the invention of the myth that the twelve apostles
each contributed a section of the creed under the inspiration of the holy
Spirit. For this reason, the six original doctrinal headings were recast
into a new framework of twelve arbitrarily divided clauses. I will here
show the older form of the Apostles' Creed alongside the modern version, using
the earlier framework of six doctrinal headings:
I believe in God the Father Almighty;
I believe in God the Father Almighty,
maker of heaven and earth;
And in Jesus Christ His only-begotten
And in Jesus Christ His only-begotten
Son, our Lord, who was born of
Son, our Lord; who was conceived
the holy Spirit and the virgin
by the holy Spirit; born of the virgin
Mary, crucified under Pontius
Mary; suffered under Pontius Pilate;
Pilate and buried, the third day
was crucified, dead, and buried; He
rose again from the dead,
descended into Hell; the third day He
ascended into heaven, and sits
rose from the dead; He ascended
at the right hand of the Father,
into heaven, and sits at the right hand
whence He shall come to judge
of God the Father Almighty, whence
the living and the dead;
He shall come to judge the living and
the dead;
And in the holy Spirit;
And in the holy Spirit;
The holy Church;
The holy catholic Church, the communion
of saints;
The remission of sins;
The remission of sins;
And the resurrection of the flesh.
The resurrection of the flesh, and life
The most noteworthy additions to this creed were the two clauses
on Christ's descent into Hell and the communion of the saints. The significance
of these two additions will be discussed in upcoming installments of this
series. During the course of this study, it will be my pleasure to
demonstrate that each and every one of these doctrines is authentically orthodox
and of apostolic origin.
One other detail worth mentioning is that the six doctrinal headings have
been regarded by some as properly only three doctrinal headings. In
that presentation, the last three doctrines-Church, remission of sins, and
Resurrection-are elaborations upon the doctrine of the holy Spirit. Certainly
these three doctrines are in part derived from and dependent upon the doctrine
of the holy Spirit, but they may in the very same way be linked and subordinated
to the doctrines of the Father and the Son. Therefore I favor the above
arrangement of this creed.
However, if I might be forgiven the audacity, I would suggest yet another
form of presentation for this creed. I say that in fact the Apostles' Creed
should be subdivided into neither twelve, six, nor three clauses or headings.
Rather, I say there are seven doctrinal headings in this creed.
The seventh doctrine is none other than the very last word, ``
Amen. '' A mere profession of faith in a list of abstract
theological principles is hardly an authentic Christianity. In
order for it to mean anything at all, we need to say, ``Amen''-``So
be it,'' ``I agree to make this a reality in my life.'' Those
six doctrinal headings are important truths given to us by God.
But that little word ``amen'' is what we give back to God in response to
His grace-our assent, our submission, our obedience. That constitutes
a whole other doctrine-the commitment to put it into practice-without which
none of the preceding articles of the creed will make any difference at all.
If a professing Christian were to recite such a creed without living a life
of ``amen,'' he might as well be talking into the air.
A Comparison of Creeds:
One of the things I shall explain in this series is that creeds
and denominational confessions of faith are important not only for
what they declare, but also for what they deny, or what they omit altogether.
For instance, in the Apostles' Creed we find no explicit affirmation
of several important orthodox theological and christological dogmas.
However, those doctrinal elements came to be included in a credal outline
which was identical to that used for the Apostles' Creed. Thus was formed
the Niceno-Constantinopolitan Creed, more commonly though less accurately
called the Nicene Creed.
As I intend to demonstrate in this series, the Apostles' Creed is significant
because it represents the faith of virtually every professing Christian on
earth. The Nicene Creed, however, is significant because it represents the
faith of doctrinally orthodox Christians. I will here show the older
form of the Apostles' Creed alongside the Nicene Creed, to demonstrate the
dependence of the latter on the former:
I believe in God the Father Almighty;
I believe in one God.
The Father Almighty, Maker of heaven and
earth, and of all things visible and
And in Jesus Christ His only-begotten
And in one Lord Jesus Christ, the only-
Son, our Lord,
begotten Son of God. Born of the
Father before all ages. God of God;
Light of Light; true God of true God.
Begotten not made; of one being
with the Father; by Whom all things
were made. Who for us men, and for
our salvation, came down from
who was born of the holy Spirit
heaven. And was made flesh, by the
and the virgin Mary,
holy Spirit, of the virgin Mary: and
was made man. He was also
crucified under Pontius Pilate and
crucified for us, suffered under
buried, the third day rose again
Pontius Pilate and was buried. And
from the dead,
on the third day He rose again
according to the Scriptures. And
ascended into heaven, and sits
ascending into heaven, He sits at
at the right hand of the Father,
the right hand of the Father. And He
whence He shall come to judge
shall come again in glory to judge
the living and the dead;
the living and the dead; and of His
kingdom there shall be no end.
And in the holy Spirit;
And I believe in the holy Spirit, Lord and
Giver of life, Who proceeds from
the Father [and from the Son]. Who
together with the Father and the Son
is no less adored, and glorified: Who
spoke by the Prophets.
The holy Church;
And I believe in one, holy, catholic and
apostolic Church
The remission of sins;
I confess one Baptism for the remission of sins.
And the resurrection of the flesh.
And I look for the resurrection of the dead.
And the life of the world to come.
It should be evident that the form and outline of these two creeds
is identical. The first had developed by the fourth century, while
the second took shape in the next few centuries following the Constantinian
Revolution. The clause ``and from the Son'' which I have bracketed
is the infamous Filioque , the source of a doctrinal and political
controversy which has riven Christendom for over a millennium.
Its significance will be discussed in an upcoming installment.
Is Reciting the Creed a ``Vain Repetition''?
With this introductory survey of the Creed, we have in fact had a short
glimpse of the development of Christian doctrine and belief. I hope that
it can also begin to shed light upon the doctrinal development of my own
church, the Worldwide Church of God. I have alluded to a longstanding uneasiness
that my church has had with both the concept of formal creeds as well as
the custom of a liturgical recitation of a creed. The reason for our objection
to a recitation of a creed is that our worship culture has always been decidedly
``Low Church'' or non-ceremonial. But we refused to compile our doctrines
and beliefs because we took the Bible as the only creed we needed. In time,
however, we came to see the practical value in preparing a convenient list
of our beliefs.
All the same, even today our leaders are careful to explain that our church's
``Statement of Beliefs'' is, as they have sometimes called it, ``a living
document'' and certainly not ``a closed creed.'' However, the phrase
``statement of beliefs'' is in fact nothing other than a very good definition
of ``creed''-the terms are synonymous. Furthermore, as we have
seen by this preliminary investigation, creeds are not and have never
been ``closed.'' Change may come slowly to the orthodox creeds
of Christendom, but it does come even to them. We should not
feel the slightest hesitation in using the word ``creed'' to refer to
our ``Statement of Beliefs.'' At the very least, we would have fewer
Nor do we need to fear that the liturgical confession of a creed is contrary
to God's intent for His People, as we once assumed. Formerly, we interpreted
Matt. 6:7 to mean that it was wrong to offer written and formal prayers-all
prayers had to be spontaneous and extemporaneous. We claimed that Jesus
never intended the Lord's Prayer to be repeated verbatim during a liturgical
worship service, because to do so would supposedly be to utter ``vain repetitions.''
In the same way, group recitation of a creed during worship services would
have been a ``vain repetition.''
But evidence from the Apostolic and early Post-Apostolic Ages indicates
that the earliest Christians did in fact recite the Lord's Prayer during
the Eucharist (as seen in the Didache). They did not see such behavior
as ``vain repetitions,'' because they knew that what Jesus had in mind in
Matt. 6:7 were the bizarre chants and mantras of the pagans, not the pious
prayers of the House of Judah. Pagan chants were literally ``vain repetitions''-``meaningless
babbling''-deliberately intended to be drawn-out sounds with no meaning.
Jesus forbade that sort of thing-He wants His followers to use real words
when they pray, not magical incantations and mantras.
Another thing to consider is that the Jewishness of early Christianity
would have made it completely natural for the early Church of God to have
engaged in liturgical recitation of set prayers and local creeds. Jesus'
disciples, all being Jews, would have seen nothing peculiar or offensive
in that kind of worship. They were all familiar with practices such as the
ceremonial repetition of the Shema, or the formal recitation of set
prayers over meals.
The fact is, early Christian worship was far more ``High Church,'' liturgical,
and ceremonial than we in my church ever wanted to believe. In our traditional
insistence upon following the teachings of the Bible, we rejected customs
not explicitly to be found in the biblical text. Of course, it is not only
unnecessary-not to mention undesirable-but it is simply impossible for a
Christian fellowship to rely only upon the Bible in order to determine liturgical
standards. Practices such as liturgical confession of a creed are certainly
not necessary in authentic Christian worship, but neither are they forbidden,
as we in the Worldwide Church of God once claimed.
Disagreeing With People Who Agree With You:
It is my hope that this study might help to further the spirit of toleration
and understanding among Christians who share a similar background to my own.
The reason that I make this suggestion is because my church's founding leader
Herbert Armstrong, differing with most other Christians on so many points,
would not have objected to a single word of the older form of the Apostles'
Creed. But even more important, he would have objected only to certain
of the Nicene Creed's clauses pertaining to the doctrine of the holy Spirit-every
other element of this fundamentally orthodox creed was a part of his own
doctrinal system. I am impressed by this demonstration of the essential
unity of Christian believers, even within the context of marked doctrinal
and liturgical disunity. As we investigate the many ways we Christians disagree,
it is important to keep in mind how much we agree on the most important and
basic issues.
To be continued...
Some Points to Ponder
from the book Removing Anti-Judaism from the Pulpit, Howard
Clark Kee and Irwin J. Borowsky, editors; Continuum, New York, 1996.
``Observance of Torah was not necessarily a bad thing in Paul's
eyes so long as a person recognizes the primary source of salvation.
In fact, some scholars are now persuaded that Paul likely favored the
continuation of Torah practice among Jewish Christians. And should
a Gentile Christian freely decide to undertake Torah observance, there
is nothing in Pauline teaching, as now interpreted, to suggest that
such a person would be endangering their faith or salvation. Hence,
the traditional contrast between Judaism as a religion of law and Christianity
as a religion of freedom/grace is profoundly simplistic.''
John Pawlikowski, Professor at the Catholic Theological
Union of Social Ethics, Chicago, Illinois
It is now becoming increasingly apparent to biblical scholars that
the lack of a deep immersion into the spirit and content of the Hebrew Scriptures
leaves the contemporary Christian with a truncated version of Jesus'
message.In effect, what remains is an emasculated version of biblical spirituality.''
Robert J. Daly, Jesuit priest and Professor at the Catholic Theological
Union of Social Ethics, Chicago, Illinois